Saturday, December 31, 2005

Five things

And to keep up....The five things I heard too often in 2005:

1. Honey, will you help me.......

2. Honey, my Mom is coming over today

3. Dad, Dad, Dad.......get off me, you're too fat, I can't move you......(when wrestling with my son)

4. Dad, I "need" new........ (my daughter learning the fine difference between needs and wants)

5. Owner Man....I dislike you far more than you will ever realize (what I know that Boomer our way too fat cat is saying to me all the time)

Friday, December 30, 2005

Out of my League at Best Buy

My wife and I have made several trips to Best Buy this month for Christmas shopping for the kids and then using some our Christmas gift money to buy a few things for us. We have decided that we have surpassed the age appropriateness for entering Best Buy due to the following:

1. To avoid a heart attack from the chest vibrations, Paul immediately must run to the back of the store to turn off the sub-wooferdoorefer thingy that some #$##%#@ teenager has turned on as loud as possible and then left.

2. It takes only 2 minutes to realize finding what you need in this arena will be impossible without seeking the aid of a ^&%^%$&^ teenager that seems to speak another language.

3. When you ask the &*^%%&*% teenager in the CD section for Hillary Duff's latest for your 11 year old daughter and with a completely straight face the &^%$$%^& teenager asks, "is this for you, sir?"

4. After composing yourself, you tell &%%$ teenager that "No, I am a few decades back in musical taste such as the Beatles and Rolling know pot-smoking music" (I didn't inhale.....just kidding, I can honestly say I wouldn't know what to do with a joint if one was handed to me.....) and the kid asks, "who are they?"

5. As soon as we leave the store, Heidi immediately opens her purse to frantically find and take a prescription strength pain killer for migraines, and looks at me and asks if her eye is twitching.

We miss Fisher Price.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thinkin Ahead

Seeing that a few of the blogs that I frequent have started some lists, here are mine:

Odd things I do (you really don't have time for all these...):
1. I save every credit card receipt and religiously match them to the statement at the end of the month.

2. Related to #1, I sometimes trim the receipts before folding and putting in my wallet using the straight edge of my credit card.

3. I call an adding machine a "footer"....dates back to first day on the job as an auditor in Arkansas

4. I tought our kids to eat Peanut Butter with their sryup on their pancakes and waffles.

5. I will eat Ranch dressing with just about any other food item.

Things to do in 2006:

1. Watch less TV
2. Read more (Bible, Classics, etc.)
3. Pray with my wife as a matter of routine
4. Talk to my kids about their relationship with God and Jesus
5. Not get stressed about a big job change that it looks like I will make with my company
6. Get serious about finding ways to involve our family in helping those less fortunate than us
7. Get back to planning weekends away for my wife and I every 3-4 months
8. Have friends to our house more often
9. Walk the dog more....she is 7ish now, may not be able to do this much longer
10. Either tame my crackberry habit, or seek professional help
11. Get back to running and get back in shape after taking 3 months off after the Marathon
12. Lose 15 lbs.
13. Take ballroom dancing lessons with my wife
14. Take the kids to visit Harding
15. Turn 40 gracefully